The MTS Center For Compelling Biblical Preaching Presents:

Applying the Apocalypse: Deepening Our Obedience to the Message of Revelation

MTS Professors Aaron Robinson, Tom Roberts, and Eric Redmond will bring their Johannine scholarship and wealth of experience as present and former seniors pastors to draw out the meaning and significance of passages in Revelation. Building upon their academic research and teaching, and their preaching of the Apocalypse, they will explain how John’s vision to those living under the oppression of the Roman empire is most appropriate for living as faithful witnesses among contemporary oppressions. The workshop will offer personal time with the professors, an extended Q&A, and a lunch for those attending in-person. The workshop will offer special attention to preaching the Apocalypse while providing understanding and application relevant for all.

Date: Friday, November 8, 2024

Location: MTS Michigan Campus - Chapel; 41550 East Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, MI 4817

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST


Aaron J. Robinson, PhD

After receiving his MDiv (Pastoral Studies) from Moody in 2018, Aaron Robinson continued his educational journey at Bangor University in Wales. Vocationally, Aaron served as pastor and chief operations officer of The Power Company Kids Club, a metro-Detroit based missionary organization for children in the inner-city. Since 1993, The PCKC has been unwavering in their commitment to empowering children with the gospel of Jesus Christ and building Kingdom champions, through afterschool programming, weekend outreach programs, feeding programs, discipleship, leadership development and much more.

In June 2024, Aaron successfully defended his PhD thesis - Toward a Theology of Faithful Witness. His research offers a narrative reading of the book of Revelation, tracing the motif of witness throughout, and offering a theological construct of the theme. As an African American scholar, his work concludes with a contextualized look at his observations, situated in the African American church.

In August of 2024, he was invited to serve as the new senior pastor of West Highland Baptist Church, in Milford Michigan. This 190-year-old church is also home to West Highland Christian Academy, a private K-12 institution. The church is strong in mission support and has a great appreciation for solid biblical teaching. Having a passion for next-gen ministries, missions, and education, this church feels like home to Dr. Robinson! He and his wife, Karen (25 years), and their five children (Aaron II - 24, Isaiah - 22, Jeremiah, 19, Kennedy - 7, and Kharis - 5) are blessed to be a part of this new community of faith. He is in the beginning phase of working on his first pastor-focused monograph that will reflect

his doctoral research. Follow him online at or in social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) @AaronjRob.

Thomas G. Roberts, MDiv

Tom grew up in the Chicago area, moved to the Detroit in 1966 and has lived in Michigan most of his adult life. Tom received a basketball scholarship to attend the University of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he received his undergraduate degree in Education. (1970) Tom then taught 6th grade at Ingleside Elementary School from 1972 - 73 in the Mt. Clemens Public Schools. While in his second year of teaching Tom felt the call to ministry and moved to Philadelphia where he attended Easter Baptist Theological Seminary (now Palmer) and received an MDiv (New Testament Theology) in 1977.

Following Seminary, Tom’s career included serving as Associate Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. (1978-80) Sr. Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Cadillac, MI. (1980-86) Sr. Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Mt. Clemens MI. (1986-92) where he followed his father who had just retired having served the church for 15 years. He then left church ministry for a period of time and served as the Executive Director of The Michigan/Indiana Lupus Foundation. (1992 - 2005) In June of 2006 Tom was invited to serve as the Sr. Pastor of West Highland Baptist Church in Milford MI. He served there for 17 years and recently retired in August 2023. Tom and his wife Mary reside in Fenton Michigan. They have 5 grown children Chris, Jackie, Abby, Derek and Beth. We are blessed with 15 grandchildren.

During his years of service, He has served in many different capacities and on numerous committees which include Chairperson, Evangelism ABC Michigan, President, Lupus Alliance of America, Presidents Commission on Chronic Illness, National Board ABC/USA Valley Forge, PA, Small Groups, Woodside Bible Troy.

Eric C. Redmond, PhD

Dr. Eric C. Redmond is Professor of Bible and Executive Director of the Center for Compelling Biblical Preaching at Moody Theological Seminary in Chicago. He also is Associate Pastor of Preaching and Teaching at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL, a Teaching Fellow for the C. S. Lewis Institute-Chicago, and a Fellow of Every Voice, Chicago. He is the general editor of Say It! Celebrating Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition, the Preaching Magazine 2020 Book of the Year. He recently published, Mark: the Servant Ministry of Jesus (Christian Focus Publications).


8:00 - 8:55amRegistration and Refreshments

9:00 - 9:15amWelcome and Introductions

9:15 - 10:25amSession 1: Toward a Theology of Faithful Witness: Seven Observations

In this session, we will explore the seven aspects of faithful witness as can be seen through a narrative reading of the Apocalypse. These observations will offer a fresh perspective for understanding, preaching, teaching, and applying the Apocalypse in the life of the church.

10:25 - 10:40amBreak

10:40 - 11:50amSession 2: One Voice, Two Records: Exploring the Apocalypse and the Fourth Gospel Together

Revelation can be daunting. However, Revelation teaches us that a new world, a new creation is coming. Jesus is coming. We will explore the major biblical themes in Revelation (using the Gospel of John). Gaebelein says “the most unifying element in scripture is the person of Jesus Christ.” For this reason, Christology will be our primary focus. Following Christ through Revelation will comfort, challenge, and excite both pastor and God’s people and equip and strengthen us to be faithful witnesses in the 21st century.

11:50am - 1:05pmLunch with Q&A

1:05 - 2:15pmSession 3: A Practice of Faithful Witness: Developing Sermons that Develop the Body

In this session, we will draw on the seven observations in the first session and discuss matters in the 21st century church, to which these observations speak. Drawing these connections, we will then discuss the various ways in which the Apocalypse equips us to address these matters, reminding the church of her call to the identity and mission of faithful witness.

2:15 - 2:30pmBreak

2:30 - 3:40pmSession 4: Rachel, Jesus, and Satan? Interpreting and Preaching Revelation 12

Revelation 12 is of controversy in its interpretation because of its highly figurative descriptions of things in the present world. There is a great red dragon, and a woman clouded with the sun, moon and stars. And then there's also this child that the dragon is going to devour. What do these symbols mean? Do they have something to do with the Christian situation in Rome? How do they apply to the church today? Eric Redmond will unpack how to discern what is taking place in these images and their significance for the church today.

3:40 - 4:00pmClose: Q&A and Closing Remarks

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  • MTS Michigan - Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.

  • Webinar link provided on the confirmation page

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